I thought this running class was for couch potatoes


You may remember the first post I did about running here.  So we go to the first class and we figure it will be pretty laid back. I wear a sweat shirt, jogging pants and a black puffy coat. I don’t look amazing but I figure we will do some light exercising. We step inside and head to the counter to ask where to go. The man motions us to sit next to some girls waiting to go inside. This was my first clue that I should run out of there. The two girls next to use were thin and looked very much in shape. A few minutes later we see the teacher and she is slim as well. The class begins and every one in there looks fit and in shape.  It was like high school all over again. We were the odd people and that felt uncomfortable.

The teacher asks if anyone hasn’t run before? Yup just Caron and I put up our hands gingerly.  We get the run down on the stance, posture etc.  Then we do a bunch of exercises and these were not easy at all. I was exhausted after 10 minutes. Then the teacher says okay we are heading out for 20 minutes. The first group would be 1 minute walking then 2 minutes of running. We were in the very back and were the only ones at the end doing 1 minutes of running and 2 minutes of walking. Caron and I were in shock. There was a woman assigned to use the stragglers. We panted and could barely catch our breath during this time period. My chest was pounding and I said to the lady shadowing us there is something wrong with your title “Sofa to 5K”. Where are the couch potatoes I asked? She said something about there were some out of shape people in the class but I didn’t see them at any time. She sweetly told us to wear a light breathable top and then a shell over top. I guess she saw my mammoth coat and hoodie.

The clue should have been when the lady told us we would be so sore the next day and how we should take a bath in salts. I think the frustrating part was being in a class that wasn’t for newbie runners.

Have you ever run for exercise?

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