Thank you for 30 days of blogging

Nothing has prevented me from this challenge. As I was harping on my sister to post this blog that I'd written 2 hours earlier the power went out. Just as we were about to head out the door to head to a nearby wifi coffee shop the power came back on.

Thank you.

On behalf of the academy I’d like to thank you all for your support over these last 30 days :).  I’d like to thank Donna Maria for coming up with this brainchild of blogging for 30 days.  During our busiest time of year, she made it sound so exciting, so alluring that I literally threw caution to the wind and jumped in with both feet so excited to be a part of this challenge.  You are a good leader Donna Maria and I am proud to be a part of your online family.

To my sweet sister (aka Little Bloom) who dutifully helped me with the blog every single day when I would manage to do something to crash the screen.  Or the days I would wail and moan and explain to her why we simply could not continue on with the blog.  She never complained, she’d ply me with tea and cookies and help me with ideas and suggestions.  She knew she couldn’t write for me, but her job was to walk alongside and encourage when she could and at other times stay far away from me while I plunked on the keyboard :).

And most importantly to this amazing community of makers that took the time to send comments and answer questions.  To those of you that took the time to click ‘like’ you will never know how on some days it was a lifesaver to continue.

I learned that I love to write and express myself, it is my favorite way to communicate.  The mere discipline of putting my bum in my seat every day had the crossover effect of bringing discipline to other areas of my life.  Because I had to write every single day it meant that I had to be organized in other areas of my life.  Suddenly the desk that was piled sky high with papers could not be tolerated another day so I organized it.  No time for exercise? Not true, there was always a pocket of time that could be found.

So thank you, I am a better person because of these 30 days, I feel like I’ve opened a door to a creative side of me that I didn’t have time to explore.  #grateful

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